Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! It is a pleasure to update the saints at Pinewood Church concerning the ministry in Trinidad, and we indeed rejoice for there is much to share.

Notably, we have recently installed Mr. Josiah Gosyne as our pastoral intern whilst he is enrolled at and has successfully completed a year of seminary at Reformed Theological Seminary, Global. His growth in preaching and teaching has been promising, and the leadership he will one day bringing to the church is encouraging. Additionally, God has blessed us with a group of faithful, teachable, God-fearing young men that have been a true force for the good of God’s kingdom and blessing to our ministries. They have aided in our youth ministry, Sunday Morning Worship and have integrated well into our church community.

In recent history, we have welcomed the Bala family into our church and they have been a true blessing to us. Roger Bala and his wife, Laura Bala, have bravely taken the mantle of our youth ministry and done an excellent job - from inviting youths from our area, encouraging more mentorship in the church of youths by older persons, as well as spearheading our very first joint-youth meeting with a neighboring community’s evangelical church. One final point of rejoicing - their teenage daughter came to faith and life in Jesus through this ministry! She has been a beautiful encouragement to all members, young and old, since her conversion.

Growth in numbers has been slow but steady. Through the support of Pinewood Church, I have been able to successfully manage various medical teams from Mission to the World which has lead to positive outreach. Furthermore, with your support I am able to continuously carry out my roles as senior pastor, as well as aid in other auxiliary ministry needs such as kicking off a men and women’s bible-study based ministry and helping our pastoral intern, Josiah and another young man in our congregation, Wesley Ramnarine, pull a successful King’s Conference two years ago, with another on the way! All these show promise for inviting persons to our church.

In the years to come, we hope with your continued support to host more teams from Pinewood Church for Vacation Bible School missions, for continued conferences, and even simply for the visiting, edification and building up of the saints. Additionally, we hope to complete our building, and welcome more members so that we may grow in our ability to be a blessing to the community God has placed us in, just as you have been a blessing to us. In all things and in all ways, we give God all the glory, for indeed, it has and will always be His.

In Christ,
Pastor Ricky Gosyne
Prayer Requests
Above all, we request prayer for spiritual sustenance for all the staff at Covenant Reformed. This includes namely our Youth Director, Roger Bala and his wife, Laura, our pianist, Savbion Graham and our pastoral intern, Josiah Gosyne, who make up the volunteer stuff. Additionally, we especially ask prayer for our Senior Pastor, Rev. Ricky Gosyne. Pray that as he begins the twilight of his pastoral career that he would be sustained in training up our pastoral intern, and that God would give him strength to finish the race well. We ask prayer that God’s presence, love, peace and fulfilment would be evident and real to them as they labor on in ministry. Growth in Numbers. To this end, we are requesting prayer for God to send the His chosen persons to our church and for us to welcome whoever that may be with open and lovingly Christ-like arms. We currently have had a handful persons join the church including one family, with another showing a vested interest. For this we are extremely thankful to God for and we pray that He might indeed continue to multiply our numbers so that we may serve the kingdom.

- Provision for church projects, especially the completion of our building. We are currently in the active process of trying to complete the upstairs section of our church building. We request prayer that God would quicken the hearts of those that are to work on the building, especially the contracted workmen for the job. Furthermore, we ask prayer that God would help us to raise the funds, to be cheerful givers, and to have the wisdom to ask the right persons for help along the way. In addition to this, we are hoping to pave the road that leads to our church and we pray that God would open the means for this.

- We are happy to announce that we are once again hosting The King’s Conference, in late July/early August of this year. Pray that God would direct all plannings, meetings, invitations and even those that come in attendance for this event. Of course, anyone from Pinewood church is absolutely welcomed!

- Prayer for the various ministries of CREC. At present, and through God’s grace, we are able to sustain a youth, men’s and women’s ministry. This has been a huge blessing and we pray that God would help us to continuously do these ministries, faithfully and to God’s glory alone.

- Prayer for Trinidad. Our beloved twin-island state has unfortunately not become much better in terms of crime and living, but thankfully, it has not become much worse either. We ask prayer for safety, a vigilant eye and God’s protection in our day to day activities.