Dear Pinewood Family,

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. As we come together to pray for our PAVE THE WAY Parking Lot Campaign, I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of shepherding such a devoted and vibrant congregation. I am excited to share with you this prayer guide which I believe presents each of us with an opportunity to deepen our connection with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to advance our spiritual journey.

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy for the rhythm of prayer to be drowned out by the noise of the world. Our hearts long for rest and a time of stillness, a place where we can commune with God without distraction. It is with great joy and anticipation that I present you with this Prayer Guide, which will lead you through a time of extended and focused prayer.

Following the pattern of Jesus, who often withdrew to solitary places for communion with the Father (Luke 5:16), we are called to set aside an hour—a dedicated and undistracted time—to seek the face and heart of our Father in Heaven. This time of prayer is not just a mere invitation; it is a divine encounter, an appointment with the One who knows the depths of our hearts and the desires of our souls. It is a time to lift up our lives, our church family, our personal needs and concerns, as well as, the need for a new parking lot.

There is are six sections to this guide; a time of preparation followed by five sections of prayer. The five sections present a verse or passage to reflect upon, a brief commentary and devotion, followed by a model prayer. There will also be several prayer prompts to encourage you to share your personal and individual petitions and needs. If you spend about 10 minutes on each section, you will easily fill the hour and more than likely go much longer as you find rest for your soul in the presence of our God and Father.

May God the Father bless you and fill you with the Holy Spirit as we pray in the name of Jesus together through this guide.

For Christ and His Kingdom,
Pastor JD Funyak

As we approach a significant chapter in the life of our church, I am filled with both gratitude for God's providence and excitement for the journey ahead. Today, we embark on a spiritual endeavor—a full 24 hours of prayer for our capital campaign – a campaign that goes beyond concrete and asphalt. We approach this campaign with hearts open to God's leading and ears attuned to His divine call.

As we seek to rebuild and renew our parking lot, we do so not as an end in itself, but as a means to better serve our community, foster deeper fellowship, and glorify the name of our gracious God. This time of prayer is an invitation to join together in seeking the Lord's guidance, provision, and blessing as we embark on this journey of faith. Through intentional prayer, we acknowledge our dependence on God, recognizing that He is the source of every good thing and the ultimate goal of our church's mission.

Let us approach this capital campaign with a deep sense of stewardship, understanding that our giving is a sacred act of worship. Our contributions are not just financial investments; they are expressions of faith, trust, and obedience to the God who holds all things in His hands. As we pray together, may our hearts be aligned with God's purposes, and may our actions reflect our desire to honor Him in all that we do.

Through prayer, may we strengthen the bonds of our church family, deepen our reliance on God's grace, and witness the transformative power of His providence in our midst.

The Call to Prayer
"Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!"
(1 Chronicles 16:11)

Our Heavenly Father invites us into His presence with open arms, desiring an intimate and personal relationship with His beloved children. Through prayer, we embark on a sacred journey, aligning our hearts with His will and surrendering our burdens at His feet. This time of prayer is an opportunity to answer this divine invitation, to seek God's strength, guidance, and peace in focused prayer.

The Power of Unity
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." (Matthew 18:20)

As we unite in prayer, a powerful synergy is released. Our collective prayers become a sweet aroma, rising before the throne of grace. Our Pave the Way Prayer Vigil is not an individual endeavor; it is a communal journey, a symphony of voices lifting praise, thanksgiving, and supplication. Together, we will create a spiritual tapestry woven with the threads of our shared faith, hope and love.

The Blessings Await
"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." (James 4:8)

As we embark on this journey of prayer, expect to encounter God. Look for the transformative moments, and the peace that surpasses all understanding. May this hour in prayer become a spiritual cornerstone, strengthening the foundation of your faith and drawing you into a deeper relationship with your Heavenly Father. Beloved, let us approach this time of prayer with hearts wide open, ready to receive the abundant blessings that await us in the presence of our Triune God. Together, let us set aside this hour, to commune with, and to be transformed by our loving and faithful Father who hears and answers our prayers.
Section 1: Acknowledging God's Ownership
Verse: Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it."

Devotional: As we begin this crucial journey to improve our church campus, Psalm 24:1 resounds in our hearts, reminding us of the profound truth, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of all, has entrusted us with the stewardship of His blessings, including our church campus and parking lot. The call to rebuild our parking lot is not merely a logistical necessity but a divine opportunity for us to demonstrate our faithfulness and obedience to God's entrusted resources. By participating in this capital campaign, we align ourselves with the sacred responsibility of being faithful stewards, building not just a physical space but a community of believers who declare and demonstrate the gospel so all people can discover and develop new life in Christ.

As we give generously, let us remember that our contributions are not just gravel and asphalt; they are acts of worship, testifying to our acknowledgment of God's ownership and our commitment to His kingdom's work. May our giving be an offering of gratitude for all He has bestowed upon us, and may this new parking lot become a symbol of His abundant blessings and the unity of our church family.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I come before you recognizing that everything I have belongs to You. You are the Creator and rightful owner of all. Help me to understand our role as stewards and to manage Your resources wisely.

From this verse, you can express gratitude and pray for:
1. Creation: Thank God for the beauty of the Earth He has created, and that through Jesus, He is redeeming you and this world.
2. Life: Give thanks for the gift of your life and pray for a deeper appreciation of the value of the experiences you have had, whether they have brought joy or sorrow. Give thanks for how God has worked all these things for good.
3. Stewardship: Pray for wisdom and strength to fulfill our role as stewards of all things, taking care of what God has entrusted to us and using these resources responsibly.
4. Acknowledging God's Ownership: Reflect on the truth that everything belongs to God and pray for humility and gratitude in recognizing our dependence on Him.
Section 2: Gratitude for God's Provision
Verse: 1 Corinthians 4:7 "For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?"

Devotional: The words of this verse carry a profound message about humility and recognizing the source of our blessings. It's easy for us to fall into the trap of pride, believing that our achievements and possessions are solely the result of our efforts. However, Paul reminds us that everything we have is a gift from God. Whether it's our talents, resources, or opportunities, they all come from His grace. This verse challenges us to adopt a posture of humility and gratitude in all aspects of our lives. Instead of boasting in our own abilities, we should acknowledge God as the ultimate provider and giver of all good things.

By recognizing the source of our blessings, we cultivate a spirit of thankfulness and dependence on God, which ultimately draws us closer to Him and fosters a deeper relationship with Him. Let us, therefore, approach each day with humility, acknowledging God's sovereignty and gratefully stewarding the gifts He has entrusted to us.

Prayer: Lord, we thank You for the countless blessings You have provided us. Every good thing in our lives is a gift from Your generous hand. May we always approach life with humility, recognizing that all we have comes from You.

From this verse, you can express gratitude and pray for:
1. Individual Gifts and Talents: Thank God for the unique gifts and talents He has bestowed upon you. Pray for wisdom in using these gifts for His glory and the benefit of others.
2. Spiritual Blessings: Express gratitude for the spiritual blessings you have received through faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for a deeper understanding of these blessings and for the ability to share them with others.
3. Personal Achievements: Acknowledge that any personal achievements or successes are gifts from God. Give thanks for the opportunities and abilities that have contributed to your accomplishments.
4. Relationships: Thank God for the people in your life, recognizing that relationships are a gift from Him. Pray for guidance in maintaining healthy and meaningful connections with others.
5. Material Possessions: Recognize that material possessions are received from God. Pray for contentment, generosity, and wisdom in managing and sharing your resources.
6. Opportunities: Give thanks for the opportunities that come your way, whether they be in career, education, or personal growth. Pray for discernment to make the most of these opportunities.
7. Understanding of Humility: Pray for humility, acknowledging that everything you have is a gift from God. Ask for the grace to avoid boasting and to recognize your dependence on Him.
8. Gratitude for God's Provision: Express thanks for God's provision in every aspect of your life—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Pray for a heart that continually recognizes and appreciates His sustaining grace.
Section 3: Responsible Financial Stewardship
Verse: Proverbs 3:9-10 "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine."

Devotional: These verses present the timeless principle of stewardship and generosity found throughout Scripture. As followers of Christ, we're called not only to honor God with our lips but also with our actions, including how we manage our finances and resources. When we prioritize giving back to God from our abundance, whether through tithes, offerings, or acts of charity, we demonstrate our trust in His provision and sovereignty over our lives.

Moreover, Proverbs assures us that God blesses those who honor Him with their wealth. While this doesn't guarantee material wealth in every circumstance, it speaks to the principle of sowing and reaping in the kingdom of God. When we give faithfully and generously, God promises to bless us abundantly, not just in material possessions, but also in spiritual richness and fulfillment. Let us, therefore, cultivate a heart of generosity and trust in God's provision, knowing that as we honor Him with our wealth, He will indeed pour out blessings upon us beyond measure.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, guide me in using my finances wisely and in a way that honors You. May I faithfully give my first fruits, trusting that You will bless me abundantly as I prioritize Your kingdom.

From this verse, you can express gratitude and pray for:
1. Wisdom in Stewardship: Pray for wisdom in managing your finances and resources in a way that honors God.
2. Generosity: Ask God to cultivate a generous heart within you, enabling you to give freely and cheerfully.
3. Trust in God's Provision: Pray for a deep trust in God's provision, knowing that He will provide for your needs as you honor Him with your first fruits.
4. Opportunities to Bless Others: Ask God to open doors for you to bless others with the abundance He has given you, whether through financial assistance, acts of service, or words of encouragement.
5. Protection from Greed: Pray for protection from the temptation of greed and materialism, seeking contentment in God's provision rather than worldly wealth.
6. Faithfulness in Tithing and Giving: Pray for the strength and discipline to faithfully tithe from your income as an act of worship and obedience. Pray for faithfulness in giving beyond just financial resources, offering your time, talents, and
7. Impact of Your Giving: Pray for the impact of your giving to extend beyond material blessings, touching lives and glorifying God in ways you may not even anticipate.
8. Responsible Financial Stewardship: Thank God for the privilege and opportunity to honor Him with your wealth and
resources. Pray that you may continually acknowledge God's provision in your life and seek His guidance in responsibly stewarding your resources for His glory.
Section 4: Time and Talents Dedicated to God
Verse: 1 Peter 4:10 "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."

Devotional: This verse carries a profound message about our responsibility as followers of Christ to utilize the gifts and talents God has entrusted to us for the benefit of others. Just as good stewards manage resources on behalf of their master, we are called to faithfully manage and deploy our spiritual gifts for the advancement of God's kingdom and the edification of the body of Christ.

Peter's words challenge us to shift our focus from self-centered pursuits to selfless service. Instead of seeking to elevate ourselves or hoard our gifts for personal gain, we are called to embrace a mindset of humility and sacrificial love. Whether our gifts are in teaching, serving, encouraging, or any other area, they are not meant for our own glory, but for the glory of God and the blessing of those around us. Let us, therefore, heed Peter's exhortation to use our gifts wholeheartedly, recognizing them as manifestations of God's grace, and to serve others with the same love and compassion that we have received from our Heavenly Father.

Prayer: Lord, grant me the wisdom to recognize and develop the talents You've given me. May I use my time and abilities to serve others, bringing glory to Your name and furthering Your kingdom.

From this verse, you can express gratitude and pray for:
1. Discernment of Spiritual Gifts: Pray for clarity and discernment to recognize the spiritual gifts that God has bestowed upon you.
2. Opportunities for Service: Pray for God to open doors and provide opportunities for you to use your spiritual gifts to serve others in meaningful ways.
3. Strength and Boldness: Request strength and boldness from the Holy Spirit to step out in faith and use your gifts, overcoming any fear or hesitation.
4. Humility and Servanthood: Pray for a humble heart and a servant's attitude as you use your gifts, recognizing that they are given by God's grace and are to be used for His purposes.
5. Effectiveness in Ministry: Ask God to empower you to be effective in using your gifts, that His love and power may be evident through your service.
6. Unity in the Body of Christ: Pray for unity within the body of Christ, that as each member uses their gifts, the church may be strengthened and built up.
7. Faithfulness and Perseverance: Seek God's help to remain faithful and intentional in using your gifts, even in times of challenge or discouragement.
8. Recognition of Others' Gifts: Pray for eyes to see and appreciate the gifts of others, and for opportunities to encourage and support them in their ministries.
9. Time and Talents Dedicated to God: Ultimately, dedicate your time and talents to God and that through the exercise of your spiritual gifts, God may be glorified, and His kingdom advanced in the world.
Section 5: Trusting God with the Future
Verse: Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Devotional: These verses compel us to examine the orientation of our hearts and the priorities that shape our lives. Jesus warns against the pursuit of earthly treasures that are temporary and vulnerable to decay, urging us instead to invest in eternal treasures that have lasting significance.

The heart of Jesus' message is about the alignment of our desires with the kingdom of God. When we prioritize accumulating wealth, possessions, or status in this world, our hearts become entangled with the fleeting concerns of this life. Yet, when our focus shifts to seeking God's kingdom and righteousness above all else, our hearts are set on things of eternal value. Our true treasure lies not in the material wealth we amass, but in the richness of our relationship with God and the eternal rewards that await us in His kingdom. As we journey through life, let us heed Jesus' call to invest our time, energy, and resources in pursuits that honor God and store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust can destroy, and where our hearts find their true fulfillment and joy.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to place my ultimate trust in You. May my focus be on heavenly treasures rather than temporary possessions on earth. Grant me the strength to live as a faithful steward, seeking Your kingdom above all else.

From this verse, you can express gratitude and pray for:
1. Prioritize Eternal Treasures: Pray for the wisdom and discernment to prioritize eternal treasures over temporary ones in your life.
2. Guard Your Heart: Ask God to help you guard your heart against the allure of worldly wealth and possessions, keeping your focus steadfastly on Him.
3. Contentment in Christ: Pray for a spirit of contentment in Christ, recognizing that true fulfillment comes from knowing and serving Him, not from material wealth.
4. Generosity and Stewardship: Request God's guidance in being a faithful steward of the resources He has entrusted to you, using them to bless others and advance His kingdom.
5. Freedom from Materialism: Seek deliverance from the grip of materialism, asking God to loosen its hold on your heart and replace it with a desire for His kingdom.
6. Investment in Kingdom Work: Pray for opportunities to invest your time, talents, and resources in kingdom work, seeking to make an eternal impact rather than temporary gains.
7. Detachment from Earthly Possessions: Ask God to help you detach your heart from earthly possessions, finding your security and identity solely in Him.
8. Alignment with God's Will: Seek alignment with God's will and purposes in all areas of your life, including your finances and possessions.
9. Eternal Perspective: Pray for an eternal perspective that enables you to see beyond the temporal and focus on what truly matters in light of eternity.
10. Transformation of Desires: Request that God transform your desires to mirror His own, aligning your heart with His kingdom and righteousness above all else.
11. Trusting God with the Future: Ask for increased faith and courage to entrust your future entirely into God’s loving hands, knowing that His plans for you are good and filled with hope.”
12. Transformation of Desires: Request that God transform your desires to mirror His own, aligning your heart with His kingdom and righteousness above all else.
13. Trusting God with the Future: Ask for increased faith and courage to entrust your future entirely into God’s loving hands, knowing that His plans for you are good and filled with hope."
Conclude your time of prayer by praying out loud the prayer our Lord Jesus taught us to pray, saying:

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts (sins), As we forgive our debtors (those who have sinned against us). And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.