Because music is such a powerful medium, we honor excellence in our musical worship and lead our congregation in the same manner. We do this by providing instrumentation that supports an atmosphere where the church can sing His praises and honor His word through song. 

The music at Pinewood Church is selected through a gospel filter that tells of the wondrous truths of God's character and the saving grace we have in Jesus. We encourage and build up one another in proclaiming His love and mercy for us, His victory through Jesus over the grave, and the continued mighty works of His hands.

Interested in being apart of the team?

Please let us know if you're interested in joining any part of our Worship or Tech teams. We'd love to have you!

  • Musicians and/or Singers interested in being apart of the 9:00am Service - Email Rick Curtis
  • Musicians and/or Singers interested in being apart of the 10:30am Service - Email Nick Horner
  • Anyone interested in being apart of the Tech Teams for either service - Email Stephen Maynard

Nick Horner

Director of Worship & Technology

Stephen Maynard

Creative Producer

Rick Curtis

Traditional Worship Leader